Sunday, January 20, 2013

Conflict Resolution


(Pictured above is Evelyn Lozada and her newly wed husband Chad Ochocinco)
“Its the hardest thing, in the world to walk away from someone you realllly love, and you have to walk away……. because I have to protect myself.”- Evelyn Lozada - 

Ms. Lozada is a fresh newly wed reality tv star who was recently involved in a domestic violence case with her husband. Domestic violence is NEVER ok. So what DO you do after you’ve experienced it?


It is very hard to walk away from emotions that are tied up in a big ball of “love”….but it’s very important that you protect and LOVE yourself. LOVE requires action that’s humble and increasingly rewarding for all of the people involved. We sincerely hope that the decision she’s made will work out better for her and her family in the end. 

♥ Violent relationships can literally harm you in the long run. Its not worth your LIFE! Make sure to take necessary steps to ensure that you know how to resolve conflict effectively before you try to enter a relationship or marriage with another person. Practicing positive strategies for conflict resolution is one vital key to experiencing healthy relationships!! ♥ -Jaz

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