Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Is Your Scalp Burning? Girl Relax!

Today at lunch I got into a conversation with some friends about the trials of relaxer application and I was once again reminded of why I stay Kinky N' Free.

Me: "You know when your scalp gets to burning so bad it almost feels icy and then you're sitting in the chair shivering?!?"

Friend 1: "Yea girl! I used to get up and do laps around the salon trying to just get some air to flow and cool my scalp down!"

Friend 2: "I just lean in that chair and go to my happy place." Leans back and demonstrates by blowing a stream of air through her lips.

Me: "And don't let the stylist ask if I'm ready to rinse out or if I can wait another 10 minutes! That internal struggle is something serious - do I burn these naps out or give up - no I'm a soldier - I'll burn - and you tell her to wait!"

Friend 1: "I'd tell her to let me do a couple of laps before hitting the wash bowl!"

This conversation made for a great laugh. I REALLY great, loud, got-us-some-funny-looks-at-the-restaurant kind of laugh. The thing is my two friends still rock relaxers, after walking down memory lane with them I couldn't be happier to be chemical free.

For me it's almost like being in a bad relationship: when you're in it you know it's bad, but you don't want to change it possibly because of how you'll look to other people. But when you get out, you can look back with friends and laugh about how crazy it was. And while I can't knock anyone else for their decision to relax their tresses, I can say with assurance that the girl who owns this scalp thinks relaxers are crazy and won't be going that route again :-)


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