I've been through some crazy growth cycles with this hair of mine! I've been natural for almost three years now and it's taken me just about that long to really figure out what my hair loves (hmmm maybe I'll do a post on my favorite products...) and how to care for it best.
You see I've let my hair grow and do it's thing, then I notice some splits, and not wanting to lose length I let them go. Bad idea. My strands split ways faster than a bad relationship in high school and I'm left with a dry, frazzled mess. I'm then left to cut said mess from my head, usually resulting in losing the length I desired.
Fast forward to last week: I was just coming out of my winter protective style, a curly lace-front wig, and I had no desire to do a complicated style. When I say no desire...I mean literally zero. That's rare, but it happens. So, I pulled my hair up into what I felt was a respectable ponytail...it was...meh! But that night...oh that night! I loosened the pony a little and tied my hair down with my satin(y) scarf and when I awoke in the morning I had this:
A full, fluffy puff. Le sigh. I am in love. I'm twisting my hair at night to keep it somewhat tangle-free and protective styling with the twists a couple days a week, but other than that I'm rocking the puff (and the red lip lol) with pleasure. It is simple and I finally feel like I can just let it...be for a while. Yay!